Operating Systems (Spring, 2024)

Course Description
This course covers topics on general operating system concepts such as process management, memory management, I/O systems, and file systems, with the in-depth study on operating systems.

Course Texts
Operating System Concepts, Avi Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, and Greg Gagne, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall.
Understanding the Linux Kernel, D. Bovet and M. Cesati, O’Reilly & Associates.

Course Grading
Exams: 60%
Homework: 30%
Etc: 10%
* Subject to change
* Person who is absent more than 3 times will get D.

Prof. Jo, Heeseung (Refer here for more details)

분반 01, 분반 02 모두 여기서 강의 내용 확인하면 됩니다.
조교 오픈채팅방 1분반 2분반

02분반 금요일 수업은 항상 16:10에 시작합니다.

Topics Materials / Homework
Operating systems course (Syllabus)
Computer architecture review
Architectural support for operating systems hw1
Thread 1
Thread 2
Synchronization 1
Synchronization 2 hw2
Submit : 1분반 Here (Due 5/6 23:00)
Submit : 2분반 Here (Due 5/6 23:00)
파일이름은 os.hw2.2024123455.honggildong.zip 과 같은 형식으로 하세요.
제출페이지는 자동으로 만료되니 유의하세요. (Delay는 안 받습니다.)
Exam.1 - 4/23 19:00, S4-1 102, 104(2분반), 106(1분반), Closed book
Memory Management
Virtual memory 1 hw3
Submit : 1분반 Here (Due 6/2 23:00)
Submit : 2분반 Here (Due 6/2 23:00)
파일이름은 os.hw3.2024123455.honggildong.zip 과 같은 형식으로 하세요.
제출페이지는 자동으로 만료되니 유의하세요. (Delay는 안 받습니다.)
Virtual memory 2
Virtual memory 3
* Credit: Most of slides for this lecture are based on materials provided by the textbook publisher and Prof. Jinsoo Kim.