initramfs 와 initrd 풀기

페이지 정보

작성자 조희승 댓글 0건 조회 7,094회 작성일 12-08-17 15:20


initramfs 는 최신것
Initrd and cpio.

This is a very short HOWTO add/remove files to/from your initrd.gz.

1. Extract the files
mkdir tmpfolder;cd tmpfolder
zcat initrd.gz | cpio -i

2. Add/remove/change stuff...

3. Build a new initrd.gz file.
(in tmpfolder)
find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9 > ../initrd.gz

initrd 는 옛날것
Following are the steps that enable one to edit a ramdisk for any changes
1. gunzip -c /boot/initrd-<version>.img >initrd.img
2. mkdir tmpDir
3. mount -o loop initrd.img tmpDir/
4. cd tmpDir
5. Make all necessary changes (copy over modules, edit linuxrc etc)
6. umount tmpDir
7. gzip -9c initrd.img >/boot/initrd-<version>.img
8. Run ssi-ksync


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