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작성자 조희승 댓글 0건 조회 6,293회 작성일 12-08-17 15:16


perl에서 문제
makedepend.SH에서 command line 을 찾아서 command-line으로 변경
커널의 헤더 파일이 좀 부족한 경우 몇가지를 찾아서 /usr/include/asm 등등에 복사해줌
Setting the path
># . ./shrc

Create the default config file
># cd config
># cp Example-linux64-amd64-gcc43.cfg vm.cfg
># vim vm.cfg
This is necessary, but we just changed it. When you run any spec benchmark,
the extension would look something like this, gobmk_base.proc

># apt-get install build-essential

Build one benchmark and test with dataset
"--tune=base" indicates that we want to use only the simple tuning.
># runspec --config=vm.cfg --action=build --tune=base bzip2

Run the benchmark with the test dataset
># runspec --config=vm.cfg --size=test --tune=base --noreportable --iterations=1 bzip2
At the output, "Success: 1x164.gzip" is the msg that we want to see.

Running with real data set (takes about 8 mins or so)
># runspec --config=vm.cfg --size=ref --noreportable --iterations=1 bzip2

Check the result under result/

For the detail benchmark description, please refer to #5.

Run a full run (reportable)
* You must specify int, fp, or all.
># runspec --config=vm.cfg int
Running Benchmarks
Running (#1) 400.perlbench ref base vm default
/usr/cpu2006/bin/specinvoke -d /usr/cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/400.perlbench/run/run_base_ref_vm.0000 -e speccmds.err -o speccmds.stdout -f speccmds.cmd -C
Instead of executing runspec command, we can always use specinvoke command to actually invoke specific benchmark without going through each build, setup, and invoking setups.

Since we need to monitor (cpu, memory, I/O, etc) each benchmark's resource usage, we just need to run individual command like this
Build all benchmarks and do runsetup as well.
># runspec --config=vm.cfg --size=ref --action build all
># runspec --config=vm.cfg --size=ref --action runsetup all

># runspec --config=vm.cfg --size=ref --noreportable --delay=5 --nobuild bzip2
># /usr/cpu2006/bin/specinvoke -d /usr/cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/run/run_base_ref_vm.0001 -e speccmds.err -o speccmds.stdout -f speccmds.cmd -C


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