
페이지 정보

작성자 조희승 댓글 0건 조회 8,639회 작성일 12-08-17 15:15


ParMiBench, an open source parallel benchmark suite targeted for embedded systems
4 categories - Automotive, Network, Office, Security
1. Automation and Industry Control
(1) basicmath
./parallel_basicmath [Calculation type] [Workers] [Data size]
calculation type: 1-cubic equations 2-integer square root 3-long square root 4-degree to radian 5-radian to degree
workers: work 수행할 core의 개수 (maximum 8개)
data size: 1-large data 2-small data
e.g.) ./parallel_basicmath 1 2 1 => cubic equation 을 코어 2개에서 large data로 수행
(2) susan - image recognition application
./susan [InProgram] [OutProgram]
(3) bitcount (분석중입니다.)
2. Network
(1) patricia - Sequenial / Parallel version으로 각각 tree 구성
./patricia input.dat
./patricia_parallel input.dat
(2) dijkstra - 총 6가지의 프로그램이 있으나, 논문에서 소개한 Parallel Dijkstra implementation of all-pair shortest path solutiong 사용
Dijkstra/Parallel/dijkstra_allpair [InputFilename]
inputfiles: spf.dat(nodes=160), input_small.dat(nodes=16)
3. Office
(1) stringsearch - finds a specific word
./parallel_stringsearch [StringSearchMethod] [Workers] [InputFilename] [PatternFilename]
stringsearchmethod: 1-pratt-boyer-moore 2-case-sensitive boyer-moore-horspool 3-case-insensitive boyer-moore-horspool
workers: work 수행할 core의 개수 (maximum 8개)
e.g.) ./parallel_stringsearch 2 1 testdata/SearchString16.txt testdata/testpattern5.txt => small test file test
4. Security
(1) SHA
./sha [-Sequential/Parallel] [Workers]
e.g.) ./sha -S => sequential test
e.g.) ./sha -P -2 => parallel test


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